Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic has emerged as an effective form of care for many different types of musculoskeletal conditions. If you or your loved ones are dealing with chronic pain, mobility issues, sports injuries, or lingering personal injuries (say due to a car accident or a tumble while working in the yard) a chiropractor may be able to help by providing hands-on care. If you're looking for chiropractic care in Brookfield, WI, get in touch with Dr. Peter Geary at Brookfield Spine and Health Center.

An Overview of Chiropractic Medicine

Crucially, chiropractors don't aim to "just" provide pain relief. You can take pain medication to block pain signals from reaching the brain. For a time, you may feel relieved. Unfortunately, however, pain medicine often does little to address the root causes of your pain.

With chiropractic care, the goal is to resolve the underlying issue so that pain signals aren't triggered in the first place. Chiropractic can provide lasting relief, and beyond reducing pain, it may also spur healing and increase mobility. Also, you can use it alongside other forms of care. 

Various aches, mobility issues, and other problems are often due to the body not being in proper alignment. If your spine is out of proper alignment, for example, it could put pressure on the sciatic nerve, which runs from the lower back and through the leg. As a result, you might suffer pain or numbness throughout your entire leg, but the problem may actually be in your back.

Further, issues with the spine can cause tension in the tissues of your neck. In turn, this can exert pressure on the muscles leading to your head, triggering tension headaches and migraines. Dr. Geary uses adjustments to ensure that your spine and other tissues are in proper alignment and aren't under undue stress. This can resolve or reduce not only back and neck pain, but also chronic headaches, pain and numbness in the legs, shoulder issues, and more.

Chiropractic Relief Today

With chiropractic care, you may be able to enjoy lasting pain relief,  improved mobility, and better healing. This could greatly improve your overall wellness. Want to try chiropractic care in Brookfield, WI? Call 262 400 5100 to reach Dr. Geary at Brookfield Spine and Health Center.

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